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An evening in Bodh Gaya

(This photo was taken outside main temple complex as Inside main temple mobile is prohibited,Time was around 6:20 PM ) 

                         t was 6 '0 clock in the evening when we reached Bodh Gaya . We went there with car so it took approximately less than half an hour to reach there as it depends also on the speed of your vehicle ..ours were on moderate speed so we took less time to reach there .The roadways to reach Bodh gaya is little difficult as I don't know about other time as when I travelled there ..I had to go through little troubled road as road were in construction process . Well ,Taking ahead the writing journey ,Sometimes I am using we and sometimes I am using I depends on the reference as we were 5 people including driver .               As soon as I reached the roadway to Bodh Gaya ,I was all happy and excited as I went there after many years ...i think almost a decade ..when I was in class 9 and now I am graduated so I guess it's long time ,so excitement were there to see the place again and witness some changes there.While I was on the colony of the tibetan market of Bodh Gaya ,All I felt was peace ,a certain sense of calming effect ...There were some random small shops who were selling all Buddhist religious things and hand craft ,I stood there for sometime till we found some arrangements to keep our shoes in safe place as it was done by Shilpi Didi who was with us while I was waiting for her ..till then I explored local shops .I went inside the temple and there were all peace ...It was beautiful evening as breeze were there yet our feet were burning as marble was so hot ,well It's not a hidden fact that summers of Gaya is such terrible as I call it Rajasthan of Bihar .                                                        One  of the most important thing while coming here is the peace of mind ,the idea of practicing meditation as it is quite peaceful place ...having said that ,There were lot of restriction interms of photography ,talking and roaming here and there while giggling . There were lot of security checking happened prior to the Bomb blast inside Mahabodhi Complex couple of years ago . I think It's right thing to do as security is important  . After lot of security scrutiny ,I went inside while other people in which some went  inside already ,while some were after me for checking . I entered there and I saw a Chinese Buddhist monk with bare chest was doing meditation on the roof top of main temple .There were some chantings going on ..some were performing rituals ... During this time ,My phone was not there with me as it was not allowed inside main complex ..So I had to submit my phone ...I was bare handed without phone so I was  capturing everything in my real natural camera which is my eyes . I felt living in a moment for real .Then I went ahead ,met some Thai Monks ,Vietnamese people as Bodh Gaya is an international place for Buddhist Monks or for any person associated with Buddhism so bumping with these people were not a big deal .Well ,I am recalling my funny encounter now ..I will talk about it later ..I think I have to put my writing in rest here as it is getting too long . To be continued ..... 


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