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The moment of Curiosity and Learning :2013

When I talk about the moment of Curiosity and Learning then its literally take me to the year 2013 ...Yes ,You heard it right ...The Year 2013 when I was in my most curious state of mind because that was the year where i was appearing for my first board exam and i had lots of anxiety and curiousity going in my mind about future ..about how will i hold my life and how i will able to mould it the way i want ? But ,the most important thing was in my mind that "will i secure good marks" because the classmate i had back then were someone who would use to talk more and act less so they all had made it look like that its the cake walk for them and my mind was full of self doubt because i never felt like this and i don't think that anything is cake walk for me but anyway ....All of this sudden self doubt went away when i stood first in the that batch and the one who bragged stood nowhere ...that was my first lesson that never get carried away by someone 's pretentanious things and behaviour . This was the lesson i learnt all my observation and understanding of people because before that i would keep asking my parents about it whenever they use to talk about the behaviour patterns of human beings and their reply would always the same that you will all learn by yourself because nothing better than the correct timing to make you understand something i was like ....ok ..,Wow. ..Waiting for that time to come ,it came ,I did figured out my lesson and the next important moment of curiosity met me when I went to meet a teacher who is no more now ,(god bless him wherever he is ) for Science stream there i met him in his office alongside my father and mother . I still remember the moment and time that it was 6'0 clock in the evening and it was breezy evening where we had just come from a temple holding prasad and tika on our foreheads. I used to be very shy kid back then ...i used to be very docile and majorly introvert that i used to hide myself from people one fine moment came when i was taken inside for my knowledge test for the further admission . I was like i have to look at all those textbook of class 10th again because before that i was told by the receptionist that you would be asked some serious questions to check eligibility .I prepared something serious so when i entered the room ...I met the teacher who supposed to ask serious question ,asked me to tell the correct spelling of Moon ...I was like what ? He said - yes ,you heard it right . In my mind ,I thought why people have to present themselves smart and this that serious when eventually i am going to be asked the spelling of moon, Suddenly that shy ,introvert in me became extremly confident because he told me that this is the only question i m going to ask you for the eligibility .I was on cloud nine because i thought teacher has lost his sanity . So ,I went ahead and told in very loud voice that its M double o and N .He looked at me ,then to his watch and then again looked at me and told me to state A to Z . I was like -is he really lost it ? He is really asking me to say a,b,c,d ,e ...literally ..I m going to be in class 11th and this is what i suppose to answer ...I laughed in my head . He catagorically told me - State ABCD...I stated till the end while thinking why i m not told to stop ? He said - Did you find double 0 in anywhere in A to Z . I said - No ,Then He made me understand that you said M double o and N as spelling which is highly wrong...He also said i know you must have been thinking that why i asked you this instead of i should ask you about isotopes ,Organic chemistry ,some laws of electricity etc ...but this is the extreme basic that people lack hence i asked ,have you learnt anything ?I went into thinking ....that was my moment of curiosity and the moment of learning . I went to papa and told entire thing ..He was like "you should have to take classes here " because i know that this will bring the best basics from you which people might forget the small details . I m like ,Ok Papa ,Lets go to home as i have to cycle tomorrow to come back to this to get more moment of curiosity and the learning . Hence ,Lesson learnt ...Where you think that you know something ..that moment you lack something  . 


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