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A spiritual evening at Mangla Gauri

 It was 6th of June at 6'0 clock . I remember I got ready in my white cotton salwar kameez for the Matarani's Darshan at foothills of Mangla Gauri Hills. Well ,As a person I am not that showoff spiritual person like doing Puja for hours and hours ,chanting mantras for hours ..It's not me as a person but I do beleive in the endless power of the divine almighty .I love mythology which was a history once upon time but the time we are living now ,it's so ahead of those days so for us ,It became our mythology just to classified against the present history as Those 1000 years old also has nice story to cover . So what I understand out of it ,That life before 5000 years before is our mythology and years before 1000 is our history which is further classified. I as a person is very much into stories . I know there were lots of great stories which is unheard from our land which had vast territory before . I beleive in the power of divine ,I like to feel the power of divine. Among all sect of Hinduism ,I am fascinated by the shaktism sect because of its endless divinity . In our country ,where women faces abuse for every small steps of life and on the other hand we have these stories that tells complete different story ,and cherry on the cake is that ...It is from the same land . Many of you don't know about the story attached with Mangla Gauri temple which is located on Mangla Gauri hills .So ,Let me tell you in brief . 

 This is the main temple which has small entrance to the dark cave where the idol is kept . This temple is made in a cave style . Inside the cave ,the temperature is so high that it becomes quite difficult for normal people to enter . I remember ,It was around 7'0 clock in the evening was pretty ok but yet I couldn't step inside as temperature is so high that it will make you think before entry . 
It's me ,standing outside the main temple premises . This temple is one of the major shaktipeeth which finds its mention in various puranas . There is a mythological stories attached with it. This present temple dates back to 15th century . This temple have kept the breast of goddess sati and it is worshipped as symbol of nourishment . It is said that the place ,where body organ of the goddess sati fell down became shaktipeeth . This temple is one of the major shaktipeeth across India .People feel blessed and fortunate to visit this temple once . It is said that goddess fulfill every wishes of yours if you ask with your pious heart . 
This is outside premises of the main temple where goddess frame is being put with everything that she loves . I took a tour of the whole temple ,met Pandit ji .He applied tika to my forehead ,I love putting tika as i feel that I look good with tika and also it's makes me feel good about myself . There is something so spiritual about it . I remember ,I took my moment of silence for couple of minutes and sat quietly on the stairs and I was just staring the people around me along with deity . Then after some time ,I stood up and went ahead for the darshan which felt so divine within . 
It felt quite awkward to capture each and every thing in the temple as it's a place of worship where you have feel things from within .Anyways ,There were lot of restriction there to film the moment so All the pictures are from the place where it was allowed or asked permission to click but there were given limited time to click .Inshort ,It was a blissful spiritual evening although I am not so much in spirituality as for now but felt divine and beautiful there .  


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