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Bodh Gaya : My Memories

Bodh Gaya ,It's a historical place ,It history dates back to many many years back during Mauryan King Ashoka .One who keeps keen interest in history knows about it . I as a person loves all those historical place ,haunted place and places of magic ,healing and mystry . I think myself as very adventurous person in my heart . Anything that exclusive mystry  tells some sort of story which appeals me ,so Bodh Gaya fits in that category very well . It is not the first time I visited Bodh Gaya ,It was back in 2011 when I visited Bodh Gaya for the first time ..I remember I was amazed by the architectural grandeur of the temple . I was small child back then ,so It was just a place of fun for me back then but This time When I visited the place ...I visited with new perception and it was place of tranquillity , peace and meditation for me .I meditated as well . Bodh Gaya and it's ambience never fails to amaze me as I am so fascinated by the peace that this place exudes . There are all positive ambience there like it makes you forget everything about your worries ,fear or any sort of anxiety .It's feels so light being there in the presence of meditating Buddha pose .It's not like that I went into Zen space always  but yes ,till the time you are in the place ,It's definitely feels like that . 

          After some distance inside the premises ,There is a Bodhi Tree where Buddha attained enlightenment. It's a symbolic tree as original tree is lost and this present tree is considered as 4th generation of the original tree . It is very symbolic and iconic in its own deeper meaning . People are crazy for the one leaves of the tree .I also kept some leaves with me from the tree . 
Well ,Moving ahead of the tree there as so many activities you get to perform inside the temple . I performed so many activities there but it was off camera as it wasn't allowed . Well ,Then after It was getting into night time slowly . So I wanted to see every place before sun set but it couldn't happen . I din't want to miss the beautiful sight of 80 feet tall Buddha statue in a meditating pose but I missed that as the gate was closed and I had to watch it from distance while sitting in a car with my cousins . Bad luck ,I guess next time but I surely didn't miss the other temple made by the kings of the south east nation . I went to see Metta Budharam Temple at night ..It was so amazing as it was all decked up in beautiful decorative lights . So ,I will talk about it in my next post .  



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