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A love letter to the year 2023 💌

Its so obvious that when a year is passing then its defintely a flow of emotions ,mixed feelings of keeping something with you and the idea of letting it go gives you euphoria packed with dichotomy .      Well ,Talking about the year 2023 ,Its been a good year with lots of ups and downs in my mental and  physical state . Looking back to the start of the year ...I find how things changes and how fast the day and night changes ... Those changes really put you through some amazing experience which you want to keep close  forever because you know that whatever the experience is be it good ,bad or ugly can't create it again ..Every year gives you some moments of nostalgia ,some moments that you want to repeat again  ,while some moments you never want to visit ...A reflection of year gives you insight about how you were in the start of the year and what a year changes in your inner self nd in your sorroundings . I think that life is a beautiful journey mixed with lots of good ,bag nd ugly moments. I m thrilled that i am able to take it the way it comes and learning about the best book ever written in the form of life .This book doesn't require any teacher to explain as your everyday experiences are enough to teach you .In my life till now ,I am happy to face challenges everyday because i beleive that these challenges are something that shapes you in a person that you want to take in the upcoming year and want to nurture it well .                                                To the year 2023 ,Thank you for adding something thoughtful in me ,Thank you for making me aware about certain aspects of me which i never thought that i could do altogether.  With these words of reflection .. I want to welcome 2024 . Cheers and bring it on .                                   Yours truely ,                                                    PRAGATI


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